Thursday, September 18, 2008

Suddenly, Hobson!


Darryl gives his all to Buck and Creature's training regimen but his enthusiasm far outpaces his skill. Plainly stated, he'd have difficulty fighting his way out of a paper bag. Armed with scissors, even.

But he's a smart kid, and likable enough. Quazarn thinks maybe he has magical abilities, but there's no time to develop them, and Darryl doesn't seem interested in anything other than wrestling trivia and kung fu magazines anyway.

The eve of the Brawl finds the crew at a neighborhood cafe after a long day -- Buck and Creature trained for hours at the Reginas' country club, while Quazarn contemplated the Astro-Empyrean and Zarko pounded the pavements from here to Rocket Town and back. Darryl bought dinner and wanted to hang out and watch some classic Vulkin Eyebrow Judo on holovid, but the kid's habit of flipping throwing stars into the drop ceiling of the rec room was wearing you down to your last collective nerve.

At a sidewalk table you kick back in tired silence. But you aren't able to relax completely, because you can't help noticing the hobling. Not the bleary-eyed one at the next table fidgeting with a gold ring, the other one, with the flashy feathered hat, strolling up the street. He appears to be giving you the fish eye.

Age of Fable

'What are you fackin' lookin at?'


"Creature...hungry...Teddy..Bear...look...tast y."


Buck turns his head to Creature. "Hmm. I dunno Creech...might stick in your teeth. Let's wait and see what this character has in mind...seems to be interested in something."

Age of Fable

"How dare you Sir?"


"Easy my friend..he means no harm...he's just excited about a big fight coming up." Buck gives a casual wave of his hand to the hobling.

Age of Fable

"Oh..oh. Are you gunna enter...." I look around the street, and whisper

"Bigby Small's Bigtime Brawl?"

Dr Rotwang!

Quazarn regards the hobling with an expression that somehow mixes interest with antipathy. (It's something he can do. It's related to the Recurring Psychometric Morbidity. He's jacked up, OK?)

He sets down his drink, the light-blue fizzy one with the light-up ice cubes and the blinking LEDs in the rim. He leans over, looking straight at the hobling -- straight in the eyes, intently, agonizingly almost...

.....and reads the Hobling's mind!

Well, no, not really. [1d100=47; Read Minds 23%.] But he sure LOOKS like he does! [Crowd Manipulate 70%; rolled 53.]


"Thought we might," says Buck. "How 'bout yourself?"...Buck takes a sip off of his scotch and soda.

Age of Fable

" know how some adventurers carry everything they own with them all the time? I thought there might be some easy pickings."


[Does Zarko know this guy? Seeing how we're both criminals and all...]


[You've heard about a hobling thief matching the description, but on the shady side of God City you can't hardly spit without hitting a hobling thief,, shrug?]


[Since things are typically quiet on the weekends I'll probably wait till tomorrow night to post. Also kind of hanging back waiting for the current interaction to play out.]

As you talk to the hobling, the waiter, a gleaming but creaky clockwork automaton, approaches stiffly. "Pardon sirs, but we are closing soon. Please place your final orders now."

[I'll post something more extensive tonight -- hopefully jumping ahead to the Brawl!]


"Creature...drink...10..raw..eggs" Creature tells the waiter and awaits his smoothy of champions.


"Excellent, sir, but please choose: hen, serpent, spider, or roof lizard," intones the antique 'droid.


"Roof lizard"


Zarko holds off on ordering anything, but watches with sick fascination as Creature drinks his glass of roof lizard eggs. (Yuck!)


"I'm fine, and thank you waiter," Buck throws a G.C. on the counter.

Age of Fable

"I'm in a hurry - I'll just have the mushroom platter with a side-order of chips, and a mug of real ale. And a blueberry pie."


"Fine choices all. If it would speed the gentleman's meal it can be pureed together?"

Age of Fable

"An excellent suggestion. In fact, let's really save some time. Just throw it into the toilet for me."


"That is contrary to my programming, but if the gentleman insists," Somewhere in the works of the droid a ratchet spins, and a small puff of steam vents from its forehead. "Ah, this is humor, of a specifically sarcastic nature? If it pleases I will serve the meal a la carte. If there is no other order?"

Dr Rotwang!

Quazarn waves is hand in pensive, Kenobian manner. "No, no, I...I am...complete. Thank you."


As he serves Creature's eggs and Hobson's late-night snack the 'droid notes Zarko's incredulous eyebrows and curled lip. "It is true," comments the 'droid, "or so I am told, that roof lizard eggs are an acquired taste. But I assure you, sir, that our kitchen adheres strictly to all provisions of the Galactic Foodstuffs Act, despite this fallen age in which we labor. I am reminded of a Terran ode...If I may?"

With only the slightest pause to calibrate his voice modulator he continues,
"I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
in midst of other woe than ours,
and the slithy toves, (to whom thou say'st
'Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!')
did gyre and gimble in the wabe
and all ye need to know is not fade away
and that has made all the difference."
Dr Rotwang!
Quazarn waves is hand in pensive, Kenobian manner. "No, no, I...I am...complete. Thank you."

Whirring contentedly the robodroid inclines his brass and bronzewood head in a gesture somehow both deferential and smug. "I am pleased you found my recitation satisfactory, sir. It is most gratifying to meet a fellow student of the ars xenopoetica."


There is little conversation as Hobson and Creature enjoy their late meals. The roof lizard eggs make a fine, if somewhat gritty smoothie, and though the kitchen has served him a mushroom pie with fried blueberries and chips on the side Hobson finds it quite tasty.

The sky darkens to indigo, and the multiplex moons of Vanth crowd overhead. The hobling at the next table mutters to himself under his breath, still turning the gold ring in his fingers. At some point he disappears without any of your noticing he's left.

The robodroid waiter has begun to hoist the chairs onto the tables inside the cafe when a sleek black limbo van sulks up to the curb. The side door opens and a pair of orcs in black nightgowns and chauffeur's caps shoulder out of the van. "Madame sent us. Pick-up four for Bigby's. Four, three, two, one, one" nods an orc, counting heads. "Big 'un gonna take two spaces, urm?"

"Bahum, here's one takes up half a space. Makes up for it," the other replies, poking a thumb at Hobson. "Load up, geezers. Chaim Uruk's Sleepin' Car Service atcher service."

Age of Fable

[how much does the meal cost?]


[For now everything except gear costs 1 GC unless I specify otherwise. If you guys start earning treasure I'll probably just tithe you a percentage between adventures to represent food, lodging, carousing, making bail, etc.]


[Don't mean to stall, but I had to figure out a way to get you dudes to the Brawl and a jump cut didn't feel right, especially with your new companion in tow.

[I'm realizing, however, that I left things at a point with limited choices for the players, so feel free to fill in conversation that may have taken place during your meal, any visions or portents dreamed during your overnight stay in the sleeper car, or pre-fight warm-up activities. Tonight the Brawl begins...]

Age of Fable

"Did you guys arrange this?" I say, indicating the orcs.


So the nightgown clad orcs are here to pick us up? Oh ok. At first read I thought they had come to the restaurant to pickup a latenight take out order for Bigby- he must have the munchies.


[Har. Originally I had them dressed in livery, but nightgowns seemed more in keeping with their line of work. Uh, I guess?]


Creature gets in.


Buck takes his vitamin and asks for two eggs in a glass with milk. Then he climbs in the van with Creech. "Well, here we go gang..."....Buck looks in his belt pouch for his mustache wax.


Zarko moves to get in the car, but notices Creature doing the same.

Not wanting to accidentally get crushed or anything, Zarko patiently waits his turn, then gets in.

Age of Fable

I also get in.

Dr Rotwang!

Quazarn sprays himself with a touch more of his osmotic mojo-cologne and -- somewhat nervously -- enters the vehicle.


The orcs help you into the sleeping tubes racked in the back. Lulled by the motion of the limbo van, and the green glow of the radio console playing soft rock turned way down low, you soon drift off to sleep.

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