[We'll narrate right past the ensuing time unless there's anything you'd like to do in the interim. Post your totally kick-ass training montage for bonus XP!]
Cue music in 5..4..3..2..1
Creature wearing a grey hooded sweatsuit steps out of Regina's front door, takes the steps down to the street two at a time, and heads down the road at a brisk jog. Darryl, wearing a lime green hooded sweatsuit is jogging along a few paces behind.
Creature in a warehouse doing barbell curls. He's got a miniature barbell, held in his cranial feelers which are curling as well. Buck and Zarko shout motivational cliches "No Pain-No Gain!" "PUSH IT! PUSH IT!" Camera pans to Quazran instructing Darryl in the secret art of clouding men's minds.
Creature and Darryl jogging down the street. Darryl's grinning ear to ear.
extreme close up: Creature and Darryl's doing pushups in Darryl's basement, sweat pouring off their bodies. Buck pays the pizza guy, and he, Zarko, and Quazran eat while playing Darth Viraxis' Punchout XXVI on the Playstation Z.
warehouse, Creature doing a military press..Zarko in one hand, Buck in the other. "You've got to WANT it!" "PUUUUUSH IT!!!!!!". Camera pans to Quazran and Darryl. Darryl closes his eyes, assumes his stance, and then promptly walks into the wall.
Creature and Darryl bounding up the steps to the God City Municipal Art Museum. Creature reaches the top and lets out a bestial roar of triumph, both fists high in the air. Darryl comes huffing and puffing behind, crawling over the last step. Creature grabs the boy and lifts him high over his head! Darryl's frown is turned upside down and he raises his own hand high in the air!!!!! The music crescendos! It's a true "Sloth love Chunk" tear jerker of a moment, only if Chunk were a lizard boy and Sloth was a Frankenstein.
(Okeedokee, GM...I'll post Buck's training regiment here shortly! Should we each work with the boy? Buck has some Academy Jiu-Jitsu and judo training that might come in handy.)
(edit: HA!!!! Never mind...excellent! HAAAR!)
Buck does his one arm pushup routine, while wearing his 1930 Space Academy training suit (white tank, knee length shorts and "PF Flyers"). He takes to the swing-bag everyday for some punching...don't forget the classic Charles Atlas pull-springs for "tensile strength!" A lot of dodging, jumping and classic Depression era workout.
Dr Rotwang!
At the announcement that he must fight, Quazarn cringes! "I am a lover -- NOT a fighter!" he declares.
Then, his eyes widen in sudden, unanticipated realization.
"I am really," he mutters conspiratorially, "really doinking clever."
The next three days see Quazarn honing his true strength -- his mighty mind! He plunges into the depths of his spellbook -- a small bottle which contains the secrets of the universe in the form of an aromatic transdermal osmotic solution; he meditates deeply upon the endless void and the powers mysteriously woven therein, strings for him to pluck and weave at will; he scribbles furiously on a parchment, stopping momentarily to put his stylus thoughtfully to his chin as his eyes narrow in deepest contemplation, whereupon he nods.
He is damn clever. And he will succeed in this charge by sheer force of intellect.
Just to be safe, however, he goes to his donkey (now expanded to normal size) and retrieves his weapon of choice...and sharpens its blade to match his wit.
"Polish up yer dukes boys! We're gonna knock their blocks off!" Buck is in the mode:

Zarko calls for another cup of coffee with a dispirited sigh. His training routine isn't going well at all.
But that's probably because it consists of walking around town, checking in with his contacts, trying to find out anything about the Brawl. Security must be tight (or he and his buddies must be even lower on the totem pole than he thought), because he ain't getting much.
Lemmy the Gorp said he knew, but didn't. So Zarko popped him one and left him spitting out teeth. (Of course, Gorps grow teeth like anything, so it didn't do any permanent harm.)
Bingo Tharp didn't even try to lie: He knew squat. But he said he could loan Zarko a fiver, in case he could get odds.
Zarko had even gone to visit Squidgy; he tried and tried to get the smell out of his nostrils but he knew it'd be there for another week or more. And he didn't get any info.
This time, Zarko thought as his coffee arrived, he'd have to play it by ear.
[All I really have to say tonight is this: You guys are awesome.
Wulfgar, you broke my brain a little with the cranial feelers bit, and reminded me that I still haven't seen frickin' Goonies.
Rondo and Doc, fun to the max, and great characterization to boot. I humbly suggest a medicine ball workout for Buck, and a scene where Quazarn synchronizes two or three Swatches.
Coffee, Zarko's efforts may prove more fruitful than he fears, stay tuned. And next time you find yourself doodling I hope you'll draw me a Gorp, 'cause that's going straight into my EC bestiary!
Thanks, fellas, for the Ivan Drago sized chuckles today! Bonus XP for all -- I'll be awarding it after the Brawl. Speaking of which, tomorrow I'll set the stage!]
[Go see Goonies. Go see Goonies now.
Although my experience has been that people exposed to Goonies as 21st century adults have a much lower appreciation for it then those who first saw it as 20th century kids, if you like Encounter Critical, I'm hopeful you can appreciate it in the right light.]
[#1 on my Netflix queue! We didn't go to a lot of movies at the theater, and never had cable, is how I missed it I guess.]
(Indeed some excellent RPG'n on all involved (including our incredible GM) 1. I have to say this is a hell of a group! I don't think I've ever played with a more colorful, creative and intelligent lot...and I've been doing this since 1980).
Buck would like to establish a few things before we roll with this (I laid in the dark...still no power at the house......and thought of a few things):
Just in case it's allowed, and not knowing what he's facing, Buck goes in search of some good leather, fingerless punching gloves in his footlocker.
Zarko: "Hey my ape bud...Let me know on any good odds on the betting line. I want to lay down every cent I have on the Creature. He may not come in first, I don't know what we're in for, but I bet I can clean-up on the high end with him...he lifted me off the floor like a rag doll, and he's got the heart to win this thing....besides, if it pays off I want to give the winnings to the Madam for her son's physician training someday...sort of a trust fund."
Quazran: Buck pats the Quazzer on the back, "Say're intelligence is beyond anything I've ever encountered. The abilities of your mind are truly boggling. Is there any way we can train the kid to use some of his inherent abilities? Surely he possesses some mind-powers.....his mother froze me to the spot with a single glance....whaddya think? He might be able to use some of that out there in the ring."
Creature: "I've got all the confidence in the world in you, kid. I know you can do it, you are powerhouse of a man, with the heart of a giant. Ol' Buck's gonna get in there and tangle too; I would rather settle things with my fists any day...I wanted to ask you a favor me protect this kid. I think he's got the courage and the gusto, and maybe he won't win, I dunno, but you and I have to be prepared to do something if it looks like the kid is gonna get put on ice. We can't let him understand?" Buck looks into the Creatures eyes with sincerity. "We've gotta get this kid back to his mama in one piece."
Darryl: "Okay kid, to have a good offense you have to have a bang-up defense. Let me show you some stuff I picked up at the Juno Space Academy." With this, Buck starts going through basic hand-to-hand training on basic "Marquis of Queensbury" boxing techniques...then moves on to Jiu-Jitsu locks and judo throws.
Buck spends the rest of the day practicing acrobatics, judo flips, fencing and the medicine ball!
(I've never seen "Goonies"...heard of it, of course, but I think I mighta been too old to catch that one when it came out....I was busy chasing current ex-wives and getting into trouble in bands and crap).
"I've got all the confidence in the world in you, kid. I know you can do it, you are powerhouse of a man, with the heart of a giant. Ol' Buck's gonna get in there and tangle too; I would rather settle things with my fists anyday...I wanted to ask you a favor me protect this kid. I think he's got the courage and the gusto, and maybe he won't win, I dunno, but you and I have to be prepared to do something if it looks like the kid is gonna get put on ice. We can't let him understand?", Buck looks into the Creatures eyes with sincerity. "We've gotta get this kid back to his mama in one piece."
Creature stares at Buck. A small grin spreads across his face.
[While it may have been a bit before his time, perhaps Buck is familiar with the art of Bartitsu (or Baritsu). Check it out:
I just love that poster.]
[From the Bartitsu wikipedia entry
Under Bartitsu is included boxing, or the use of the fist as a hitting medium, the use of the feet both in an offensive and defensive sense, the use of the walking stick as a means of self-defence. Judo and jujitsu, which were secret styles of Japanese wrestling, he would call close play as applied to self-defence.It's a martial art based on Scientific Realism!! Definitely fits in with Encounter Critical.]
In order to ensure as far as it was possible immunity against injury in cowardly attacks or quarrels, they must understand boxing in order to thoroughly appreciate the danger and rapidity of a well-directed blow, and the particular parts of the body which were scientifically attacked. The same, of course, applied to the use of the foot or the stick.
Judo and jujitsu were not designed as primary means of attack and defence against a boxer or a man who kicks you, but were only to be used after coming to close quarters, and in order to get to close quarters it was absolutely necessary to understand boxing and the use of the foot.
Buck stares at the Creature for a second, and then he starts grinning which in turn, turns into a laugh. "Ice...that's". Buck shakes his head, but he knows the Creature understands in heart what's going on.
(I've read about Bartitsu! Forgot about that. Amazing stuff.)
Just in case it's allowed, and not knowing what he's facing, Buck goes in search of some good leather, fingerless punching gloves in his footlocker.
[This is fine, by the way. No game advantage conferred, but stylish.]
1 Pffft.
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