Queen's Tower stands on a small, neatly kept lot. The base of the tower is ringed with tall windows, and ivy climbs the rough stone. As you reach the low stoop the front door opens slightly and a lanky figure in gym shorts and a t-shirt edges outside. Motioning for quiet, he wedges open the massive door, a fair foot thick, banded with iron and carved with runes.
"Hey guyth," says Darryl.
The doorstop secured, he straightens up. He's an unfortunate looking half-lizard teenager, all gangly knees and elbows, too large feet and bony foreclaws. A pointed skull-knob and a ruff of scales frame his mostly human face, giving him the look of a weak-chinned squire in a helm and cowl of green chainmail. Any knightly semblance, however, is overwhelmed by his enormous moon eyes, shining behind bottle-thick goggles, and the dagger-like teeth revealed by his shy grin.

"I was sthtarting to think you got lotht," he continues. "Sthorry I got all crazthy on the phone. I'm not usually thuch a little wuthsy. You guyth got me good though." He glances around your group hopefully. "Are you really in the Brawl? What'th your fighting style? Where'th your dojo?"
[Imagine a cross between a sleestack and Milhouse and you've got Darryl]
Creature answers the boy's question about his fighting style:
"Heavy handth, huh? A sthtriker?" replies Darryl eagerly. "What about thubmissions? How'th your ground game?"
"This is the main event right here, son," he pats the Creature on the shoulder..."I'm the manager," and then he gestures to the party, "..... and you're looking at the best trainers for the Big Brawl since Grubby Lugnut took out 'The Mortician' in a Venusian Cage Match with an upper cut in the 1st round."
"This is the main event right here, son," he pats the Creature on the shoulder..."I'm the manager," and then he gestures to the party, "..... and you're looking at the best trainers for the Big Brawl since Grubby Lugnut took out 'The Mortician' in a Venusian Cage Match with an upper cut in the 1st round."
"This is the main event right here, son," he pats the Creature on the shoulder..."I'm the manager," and then he gestures to the party, "..... and you're looking at the best trainers for the Big Brawl since Grubby Lugnut took out 'The Mortician' in a Venusian Cage Match with an upper cut in the 1st round."
Buck's voice crackles with electromagic interference as another temporal ripple courses through him, causing him to repeat his words a third time.
"You musthta picked up a sthtatic charge on the tram," Darryl suggests. 1
Dr Rotwang!
In a true Kodak moment, Quazarn deci- uh, is fully aware that, since he has no freaking idea how this stuff works, he'd best keep his damn yap shut and let Rondo drive.
However, he does stand beside Creature, looking cool, tough and self-assured.
[I just rolled a 47 (compared to my Crowd Manipulate score of 70%) to impress upon Darryl that we know what we're doing.
Which I'm not sure we really do.
It occurs to me that I could try Psychic Implant to give Darryl the idea, 'Theesh guyths are hardcore!' but at 18%? Maybe later. Plus, who knows how much pull Darryl has here?]
Noting the conehead's easy confidence and charismatic grooming Darryl nods to Quazarn, "That'th some good crowd-work there, get the cheap theats on your side. But there'th no crowd at the Brawl, and no corner-men either. Everyone fightsth. If you aren't there to fight you don't get in."
You get the impression that Darryl wouldn't mind talking about the Brawl for hours and hours, but instead he leans towards the four of you, his voice low. "You guyth better go talk to Mother now. Um. I wanted to warn you, she's pretty pisthed off. She doesthn't like talking about my Dad too much. But you guyth should be okay."
He isn't entirely convincing, but as he holds open the door his voice brightens. "Hey, I'll get my gi and bokken and maybe we can sthpar after!" Darryl's rooms are cluttered with books and holographs: self-defense manuals, medieval romances, a multiple volume history of Haragorn. Fight posters and heraldic banners cover the walls.
He leads the four of you to another iron-bound door. An enormous crown is carved into the dark wood.
1 This bit of business was in reponse to a double post by Rondo.
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