Thursday, August 28, 2008

Exit Rollo's, hastily. Enter Gorgo, briefly.

Dr Rotwang!

Quazarn clears his throat, and motions to the door with the prodigious point of his head.


The four of you make your way through the swinging doors and into the kitchen. Flies have begun to gather on a platter of ground beef next to the griddle. The lizard man barkeep and a hobling dishwasher huddle in a corner near the walk-in. Squeezing through a narrow hallway cluttered with cleaning supplies you exit into the back alley.


"Bye Bye Pixie," Creature waves goodbye to the Vulcan. What other buildings are around that we can see? Creature is looking for someplace with a public restroom that he might find Darryl's Mom's phone number in.


"She has a band? Wow, I didn't know women played in bands!" Buck says embarrassing himself in true out-of-date and out-of-fashion style. "Well guys now what? I'm gonna quit asking questions around here...seems to always get me nowhere pretty fast, so it's your call gents: what's our plan?"


This being an alley, Creature sees any number of places the could semi-publicly relieve himself, and a variety of tags, oaths and crudely scrawled sigils on the walls, but no telephone numbers. To your left the alley opens on the street in front of Rollo's, to your right is a stone wall -- about 6' high.


Creature attempts to walk through the stone wall in true Frankenstein fashion, leaving a monstrous silhouette cut in the stone.......

Feat roll......81%..(good for lesser/not so good for great)....hopefully the wall was built by some shoddy masons.


[Roll Happenstance and we'll see]


Happenstance roll 86% (rated at 23%......uh oh...looks like Creature is going end up with a sore noggin.)


[Just a quick note off the record just in case I disappear on here for a short time as far as postings go: there's a hurricane heading towards this stupid sewer of a's unlikely to hit us full force, but last time this happened we lost power for several weeks, and couldn't even get to work. I'm not foreseeing any of this happening, as it usually dodges us, but just wanted to let you guys know...Max, run Buck for me if something happens and I can't get on!]


[Stay safe, Rondo. My thoughts are with you and your wife and your crew.]


Zarko will take the lead out of the alley, being highly experienced with alleys of all types.


[thanks Max!] "Hmm..maybe we should locate this 'Heebie Jeebies' club...just in case we need to check it out."


Buck and the gang: right behind Zarko...


Zarko knuckle walks down the alley, eyes alert. The Creature follows close behind, lumbering into the wall with a heavy thump. The wall thumps him back, and he stumbles backward, slipping on a rusted iron spike and landing hindward in a crate of rotting arugula. From beyond the wall Zarko hears the sound of quickly receding footsteps.

Dr Rotwang!

[Dang internet at work again! I'm TOTALLY not shirking this, guys, I'm just inconvenienced. GRRR!]

Suddenly, Quazarn stops in his tracks! With a most imperious and outstanding flourish, he whips his fingertips up to his mighty temples! His eyes narrow, his gaze dissociates, and he peers where mortal men cannot see --


[My See The Future roll is a 75. My skill, however, is 3%. Take it away, Max!]


Quazarn squints hard, hoping for a glimpse of the future. Inasmuch as time passes while he peers foolishly about the alley, he succeeds.


Creature wipes the arugula off his rear and continues onward with his newfound associates. He'll be checking public restrooms along the way for any information about Darryl's mom.

[May be unable to post for 24 hours or so. Will check back when I can.]


"Hmm, Heebie Jeebies club," Zarko muses, shifting the toothpick to the other side of his mouth. "Lessee now, I used to know where that was..."


[Well, it closed down for a while but you should be able to find it once you get out of this alley and get your bearings. In the meantime, two points worth considering: First, it's Moonday, probably nothing scheduled tonight. Second...]

From the street in front of Rollo's you hear the wailing sound of goxhorn trumpets and the whir of approaching triphase-cycles...


"Alright boys...serious evasion!" says Buck. "We better 23 skidoo!" Buck starts ahead of the alley-line and turns backwards. He starts laughing, "Remember guys: we're just a troupe of boy scouts that got lost while camping!"


[Gone all day today. Just need to know which way you fellows are going. Out toward the front of Rollo's or over the wall.]


[I vote for over the wall myself...we could walk into a blind-spot, but in FRONT of the place we just did a "job" in, doesn't seem to smart to me, unless there's a huge crowd of folks we can get lost in....what do you fellas think?]


Creature will boost one of the others other the wall.


I'll go first.


Zarko, as an ape, is already on his way up and scouting the opposite side.

Climb does not appear on my character sheet, so I'll roll a Feat. I got 24.

My Lesser Feat is 74, so I made that (if that's it.)

My Greater Feat is only 16, so if that's the one, I'm struggling.

Anyway, assuming I make it to the top, what's on the other side?


As Quazarn squints queerly this way and that, Zarko springs lightly to the top of the wall. The Creature forms a stirrup with his blunt hands to hoist up Buck and a second later the spaceman's helmeted head pops up beside the ape. Buck steadies himself with his forearms.

The alley beyond the wall is scattered with a few neatly stacked crates. Standing halfway to the street is a sturdy ape in a rather outlandish blue sarong and vest, scratching his head as he studies a scrap of paper. He turns your way, his puzzled frown framed by two jug-like ears.


"Ooops! Seen a small poodle come this way?", Buck says to the simian flatfoot. Buck jumps on over with Zarko (Zarko: get ready...I think we're going to have to take this chump out).


Creature boosts over his conehead friend and then vaults himself over the wall.

Dr Rotwang!

Quazarn scrambles over the wall and lands with an unflattering stumble. He steadies himself -- and eyes Zarko carefully.

"Wait," he says, "who are y-" and IMMEDIATELY clamps his mouth shut.


The blue-attired planetary ape is slightly surprised at the arrival of the newcomers. He shifts his position and all can see the large revolver he carries.

But he makes no gestures towards it. There is a moment of silence as Gorgo’s eyes examine the others intensely and then he responds.

“I have seen no dogs, no.” - and after clearing his throat - “As a matter of fact I must confess I am lost, as I’m new here. I am looking for a pair of persons but can’t make heads or tails of this scrap that passes for a map. Maybe you can help?”

A hint of a smile adorns the ape's face when he sees Quazarn clamping his mouth shut "My name is Gorgo, Gorgo Ubar." 1


The Creature follows the others over the wall, landing heavily on his square boots and setting off toward the mouth of the alley with a single-mindedness born of his inability to think more than one thought at a time. The rest of the group follows, new acquaintance Gorgo falling in step.

1 Sadly this was to be Edsan's one and only post. His com-put-or croaked, and he's not been heard from since.

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